Fitness to Work
What is meant by Fit for Task?
“Fit for Task” is a medical assessment performed to assess whether an employee can safely carry out a specific job or task. The medical assessment determines if an employee is medically fit to perform the job or task that they are employed to do.
The Occupational Health Advisor assesses physical, mental capacities, sensory acuity and level of skill, etc.
Reporting & Medicals
The Occupational Health Advisor will typically report one of the three outcomes back to the employer:
- Fit,
- Unfit, or
- Fit with restrictions
Types of Fit for Task medicals:
- Forklift Medical
- Construction Better Health
- National Grid Medical
- Safety Critical Medical
- Driver Medical
- Night Worker Medical
- Lead Worker Medical
- Working at Heights Medical
- Confined Space Medical
- Lead Workers Medical
- Young Person Medical/Risk Assessment
- New and Expectant Mothers Medical/Risk Assessment
For more information on any of the above services, please contact us on 01292 262770
Introducing the Chester Step Test
The Chester Step Test has been used globally in a wide variety of workplace settings including climbing industry, police, fire, prison, military, wind farm industry and other industries where an aerobic capacity assessment is required which in simple terms means measuring level of fitness for the job in hand.
The Chester Step Test (CST) is a submaximal, multistage aerobic capacity test. The Test is carried out using a low step and heart rate monitor. This allows the examiner to measure an individual’s fitness and the test usually lasts around 10 minutes.
Providing there are no medical contraindications to moderately vigorous exercise or stair-stepping, the subject is required to step onto and off a low step at a set rate, increasing as per the examiners guidance.
Following the test, the examiner is able to give a guidance on how fit the individual and if they are fit to do the job in hand. In extremely rare occasions further information or testing is required and this would only be if there were other co-morbidities (health factors) to consider.
For more information on how to book a Chester Step either as a stand-alone test or as part of our Safety Critical Medicals, please contact us on 01292 262770.
We serve the full of the UK
Appointments are available at our offices in Ayrshire or we offer a UK wide service, visiting your premises. By using an onsite service. The loss of productivity in your organisation is minimised. By promoting health surveillance, morale in the workplace is increased and statistics have shown that sickness absence is reduced.